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How to setup a new email profile in Outlook

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  1. Open the Control Panel.
    To open the Control Panel on Windows 11: 
    1. In the Start menu, enter Control Panel and select [Enter].
    In the Run menu [Windows + R] or command prompt, enter Control Panel and select [Enter].
    The Control Panel window is displayed.

  2. Select Mail:

    The Mail Setup window is displayed.

  3. Select Show Profiles...:

    The Mail window is displayed.

  4. Select Remove...:

    Follow the prompts to fully delete the profile.

  5. Now launch Outlook & when prompted for a profile name, put a suitable name such as "NewOutlook" & sign in

  6. If prompted with a "Allow my organisation to manage this device" check box, please un-tick before clicking ok

    Allow time for the new profile to synchronize with Exchange.

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